Midjourney AI 进阶:各种设计风格的提示词挖掘办法

新闻 1970-01-01





Midjourney AI 进阶:各种设计风格的提示词挖掘办法


利用 chatgpt 来训练属于你自己的提示词工具:

你跟 chatgpt 说:你把自己当做一个可以绘画的人工智能 ai,我通过输入一些提示词,你转化为生成人工智能的提示,生成一张最匹配的图像。我举个例子如下:1,概念:一幅抽象的水彩画提示词:a colorful abstract watercolor painting, with organic shapes and textures, by Emily Nguyen, high quality digital illustration, inspired by nature, with a Morandi-inspired color palette.中文翻译:艾米莉·阮(Emily Nguyen)创作的彩色抽象水彩画,具有有机的形状和纹理,高品质的数字插画,灵感来自自然,具有莫兰迪风格的调色板。


提示词:A lovely girl, by Disney design style, character portraitbest quality, ultra-detail, c4d.中文翻译:一个可爱的女孩,迪斯尼设计风格,人物肖像最优质,超细节,c4d3,概念:一只喜庆的中国新年鼠年吉祥物提示词:a festive Chinese New Year mascot, inspired by the Year of the Rat, by Jasmine Lee, a highly detailed 3D illustration, with intricate textures and vibrant colors, featuring traditional Chinese patterns and motifs中文翻译:一个喜庆的中国新年吉祥物,灵感来自鼠年,由Jasmine Lee创作,这是一个非常详细的3D插图,具有复杂的纹理和鲜艳的颜色,以中国传统的图案和图案为特色。你根据上面的规律,给我一些创作灵感,也可以我给你一些中文概念内容,你输出英文提示词给我,谢谢。你直接把我这段话复制给你的 chatgpt 即可,它就开始「自我创作了」,比如它给我的其中几个:

Midjourney AI 进阶:各种设计风格的提示词挖掘办法

Midjourney AI 进阶:各种设计风格的提示词挖掘办法


1,概念:一幅描绘星空和宇宙的数字插画A digital illustration of the cosmos and stars, featuring vibrant colors, intricate details, and a dreamy atmosphere, by Stella Chen, with a high-quality resolution and depth.


An oil painting of a city skyline at night, with a palette of dark blues and purples, featuring intricate brushwork and a moody atmosphere, by David Kim, with a large canvas size and excellent texture.

3,奇幻森林:A magical forest landscape, with whimsical creatures and enchanted trees, by Lily Zhang, a stunning watercolor painting, with rich colors and intricate details, evoking a sense of wonder and adventure.

4,概念:一位披着长发的仙女 :A fairy with long hair, by fantasy art style, character illustration, digital painting, with soft and dreamy colors, featuring nature and magical elements.

5,概念:一位戴着眼镜的书呆子 :A bookworm with glasses, by cartoon illustration style, character portrait, digital drawing, with playful and whimsical colors, featuring a nerdy and quirky personality.

Midjourney AI 进阶:各种设计风格的提示词挖掘办法


核心关键词是:Disney design style,如果要 3D ,就加 3D character。


提示词:A lovely girl,Cute head portrait,by Disney design style, character portraitbest quality, ultra-detail --ar 3:4 --q 1在此基础上我们加一个3D character

Midjourney AI 进阶:各种设计风格的提示词挖掘办法

提示词:A lovely girl,Cute head portrait,3D character fromDisney design style, character portraitbest quality, ultra-detail --ar 3:4 --q 1
参考图 url:https://s.mj.run/-noL5dP9tVI

我们在用 BLACKPINK 里的 Lisa 的人物像做参考图 加进去,看是什么样:

https://s.mj.run/-noL5dP9tVI A lovely girl,Cute head portrait,3D character from Disney design style, character portraitbest quality, ultra-detail --ar 3:4 --q 1


心关键词是:by the popular Pop Mart blind box style

提示词:A lovely girl by the popular Pop Mart blind box style

我们再把另一张 Lisa 参考图放进去……

https://s.mj.run/Nv98J4ClcOw  A lovely girl by the popular Pop Mart blind box style

https://s.mj.run/7K2IVv9Qr-I  https://s.mj.run/Nv98J4ClcOwby the popular Pop Mart blind box style 

要 chatgpt 帮我想的一个西瓜女孩泡泡玛特风格的手办:

A cute and quirky watermelon girl figurine, inspired by the Bubble Mart blind box collection, with a fun and playful design, high-quality vinyl construction, and intricate details.- - ar2: 3中文:一个可爱而古怪的西瓜女孩手办,灵感来自泡泡玛特盲盒系列,拥有有趣而俏皮的设计,高品质的乙烯基材料制造,精细的细节。
A limited edition watermelon-themed figurine, part of the popular Bubble Tea Girls series, featuring a vibrant color palette, glossy finish, and unique accessories like a bubble tea cup and straw.中文:一个限量版的西瓜女孩手办,是著名的泡泡奶茶女孩系列的一部分,拥有鲜艳的色彩调色板,光泽的表面处理,以及独特的配件,如奶茶杯和吸管。

各种 Q 版:


迪士尼风格的 Q 版路飞……

One Piece from One Piece by chibi,3D character fromDisney design style

我们继续用 Lisa 来作个 Q 版

https://s.mj.run/-noL5dP9tVI  full body, isometric,3d, cute, Little adorable chibi graphics, disney pixar Style,cute mobile game style,Hyper Realistic, cinema lighting --ar 3:4

中文:全身,等距,3d,可爱,小可爱的chibi图形,迪斯尼皮克斯风格,可爱的移动游戏风格,超现实,影院照明, 宽 3 高 4.


核心关键词:national geographic, hyperrealitic(超现实主义风格)

rabbit national geographic, hyperrealitic ,8K, colorful lighting, vivid, ultra details, surreal photography

A lovely girl ,national geographic, hyperrealitic ,8K, colorful lighting, vivid, ultra details, surreal photography

surreal photography(超现实摄影风格)ultra details(超细节)


核心词:from stopmotion film,主题+场景+stopmotion film镜头:depth of field(景深) Wide shot(广角镜头)等

提示词:The fruit forest is hosting a party with a colorful array of fruits,stopmotion film,depth of field --v 4 --ar 6:4


提示词:The fruit forest is hosting a party with a colorful array of fruits,stopmotion film,Wide shot --v 4 --ar 6:4




一般会搭配着选相机,比如Canon DSLR.


A cute panda holding a sniper rifle on a rock.Photograph. Canon DSLR. Tilt - shift.


核心词:lego piece

lego piece dog

各种 logo

核心词:logo,吉祥物 logo - Mascot logo,3Dlogo,徽章 logo-Badge logo

Mascot logo rabbit

Badge logo rabbit


核心词:tattooing,Tattoo design

A tattoo design featuring a cute girl character.




A set of cute daily life themed adhesive labels featuring girl characters, perfect for elementary school girls to use.


核心关键词:blender 3D,blender 3D渲染建模


A male bicycle made of carbon fiber with a colorful design, featuring red tires. Modeled in Blender 3D

Round snack box made of walnut wood, designed for storing various types of nuts and snacks,Modeled in Blender 3D

今天先分享到这里,下次有好玩的我们再继续,主要是利用好 chatgpt 给你找灵感,那就真的事半功倍!


版权声明: 发表于 1970-01-01。
转载请注明:Midjourney AI 进阶:各种设计风格的提示词挖掘办法 | 非常AI
